GU16 (2005) Team Assignments

Individual Development Planning
Players: If you have not completed this assignment, please do this before any other assignments. The aim is for each player to develop their IDP.
1. What are you looking forward to this season?  
2. What are your next steps to further develop your IDP?
3. Develop a WOOP Goal that will help you accomplish the nexts steps of your IDP. 
Wish: What do you really want to accomplish? (exciting, challenging, and realistic.)
What are you trying to improve in your IDP?
Outcome: What's the best outcome that would result from accomplishing your goal. 
Obstacle: What will prevent you from accomplishing your goal? 
Plan: What you plan to do to overcome your obstacle(s). 
When: (my obstacle)
Then I will: (my action)
4. What is one fun team bonding webinar activity? (Besides Kahoot we will continue to use Kahoot.)
Send assignments to Coach Caleb at & Kurt at All player-coach communication via email must include Caleb, Kurt, and at least one parent. 
5. Once Steps 1-4 are sent to the coaches Step 5 will be emailed. Thank you to the players that have completed Steps 1-4. (Step 5 is to develop 1-3 activities you can do to practice your IDP.)
6. Once Step 5 is completed. Players will write a reflection on their experience practicing the activities described in Step 5. 
Note: If your High School coach(es) have given you workouts, please focus on those.